I Hate my CAPS LOCK Key

...And It Hates Me

I fight each and every day with my Caps Lock key. For whatever reason, I have a strong NEED to put certain things in all capital letters. For instance, I often do this as a section or paragraph heading as you may have seen in many places of this website. Of course, there is the need for capital letters for emphasis when something is particularly important and you want to draw attention to it. Additionally, sometimes forms force the use of capital letters for entering a name or other information. 

I'm at a keyboard, all day, almost every day. I'm write instructions, complete forms, draft legal documents, write letters and emails, and make signs. Invariably, I find that I'm approaching some portion of text that is begging to be in all caps and I am tempted to use the Caps Lock key. However, it's a temptation only in the sense that using a glass is a temptation when getting a drink out of the kitchen faucet. Like leaning my head over, into the stream of water, is a legitimate option. Hardly.

So I engage the Caps Lock, knowing full and well that it will not end well. 

wHAT I hAVE cOME tO eXPECT iS sOMETHING lIKE tHIS, except that I don't usually spot the problem until midway through the following sentence. I get good and angry every single time. It's not unusual for me to scream at my desk (fortunately I'm alone in my home office in a building separate from my house). I've smashed a keyboard or two over the years. Yet each and every time, I'm absolutely certain that I will do better the next time. Even the brain injured aren't that stupid. How hard can it be?

As a homeschool dad, I have become accustomed to giving my kids little training lectures when I happened to observe them making stupid, easily correctible, mistakes of that nature. Sometimes I find myself giving myself a lecture such as I might have given them when they were younger. "You know, Larry, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over, yet expecting a different result.

"Yeah, right.", I reply to myself.  Why don't you just go back to your little hidey hole office and cogitate on that for a few moments and let me know how it's working out for you.

What I NEED is some sort of medical apparatus. It would have an electrode to my ankle with a connection to the computer/keyboard. It could draw power from the APC power back-up I have under the desk. Engaging the Caps Lock would activate the system and it would sENSE tEXT like this and send a few volts to the ankle. I'll work on it.

Just now I glanced down at the Caps Lock key on my new keyboard. I wonder how it's going to work out between us?


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