My Scrambled Brain on Abortion

I don't need a Bible, a Pastor, a scientist, or a doctor to explain to me what's pictured above. You don't either. We all know that they are children in a mother's womb. If, somehow, either of these photos were captured by a rover on Mars, the entire earth would be thrust into chaos as there would be indisputable proof that there is human life on Mars. It's a human life, the killing of which is not to be taken lightly.  

The World Needs to Accept These Obvious Truths Regarding Human Sexuality

1. The cause of pregnancy is well known.

2. Life is precious, and pregnancy is not to be taken lightly. 

3. Only women (humans born with vaginas) can become pregnant. 

4. A human child is conceived in every pregnancy. 

5. Unwanted pregnancies are 100% preventable.

6. Abortion results in terminating a human life.



Certain things that have been regarded as plain and obvious truths for centuries have, in just in the last few years, come into question. For example, belief that a human female can only become pregnant via vaginal intercourse with a human male has been accepted as an unquestioned fact since the invention of written language. This simple truth is now contested by idiots at multiple levels. They argue the following: 1) the definition of male and female is unclear and subject to interpretation  2) males can become pregnant  3) there is no such thing as universal truth, and each of us is able to formulate "truth" that is exclusive to us. 

Such arguments impose stress upon my scrambled brain, and I understand that arguing such ideas with the idiots who accept them can have no positive outcome. If you are one of these people, exit this page now and do not return. For those of you who remain, I submit, as an indisputable fact, that which has been accepted and recognized by civilized man for many centuries. That is, that a human female can only become pregnant via vaginal intercourse with a human male. The cause of pregnancy is well known. If this is news to you, make a note of it. 


The understanding that life, particularly human life, is precious is a universal characteristic of humans. This scarcely requires any further explanation. The respect for life that humans have extends even to non-human life. Millions and millions of humans would, and have, risked their own lives to save their pets from catastrophe. Personally, I believe this quality in humans is a function of being made in the image of God. Regardless of whether you believe it or not, we're all made in the image of God and along with that comes certain attributes and values. Respect for human life is wired into our brains - even brains that have been scrambled a bit.

If you seek to take life, our built-in respect for the preciousness of human life is an obstacle to be overcome. Consider the Nazis, for example. Their challenge was to motivate a historically decent, artistic, and intellectual population (think Mozart, Beethoven, Martin Luther) to consent to the capture, persecution, and murder of millions of Jews. How can you get decent people to accept, and participate in, this monumental atrocity? They did it by convincing them that Jews weren't actually humans. least not humans in the same sense that everyone else is. The Nazi government taught the entire population, particularly the children, that Jews were somewhat subhuman. I encourage you to search this topic on the internet and look at the images the Nazis created to portray the subhuman Jewish race. It's difficult to believe that anyone would accept such a ridiculous lie. However, in only a decade, German people accepted this lie to the point of exposing friends, neighbors, teachers, and doctors to capture by this evil government. Children turned-in their own parents for speaking in support of, or harboring, Jews. The Nazis had a term for others, like Jews, that weren't quite human - untermensh (inferior people). This term was generally applied to Russians and eastern Europeans. Labeling them untermensh freed Nazi soldiers of guilt when they herded hundreds of thousands of Russian women and children to the edge of trench graves and shot them in the back of the head. At some important level, they believed they weren't killing people.

Overcoming our built-in respect for the preciousness of human life was also an obstacle for the Pro-Choice movement. Their strategy was essentially the same as the Nazis. In the case of Pro-Choice, it meant convincing a generation of people that a little baby in a mother's womb is not actually a human. least not human in the same sense that everyone else is. Like the Nazis, they've succeeded with this lie. Why are young women susceptible to this lie? Otherwise, having an abortion would be killing their own children, and no decent person wants to do that. However, this moral constraint is lifted if it is a fetus, not a baby, being killed. If you are Pro-Choice, your support of abortion is based on the lie that abortion isn't ending a precious life. It has to be, otherwise you're a baby killer. You take comfort that your belief is based on "science". Germans of the 1930s also received "scientific" information regarding the world's races, confirming that Jews weren't really human. The Nazi scientific evidence resulted in the extermination of 6 million Jews. The Pro-Choice scientific abortion evidence has killed nearly 73 million babies in the U.S. since 1973.      


Apparently, some women seem to believe that pregnancy is a form of persecution perpetrated upon them by men. Therefore, they have a "right" to end this persecution with an abortion. Moreover, denying them of this right is another form of male persecution. My scrambled brain reels... This is a plain and simple fact of nature: Only the female of each species can become pregnant - humans, birds, animals, fish, and insects. If you are a female, it is critical that you know and accept this fact. Pregnancy is a possibility for you. 

Of course, not ALL women can become pregnant. You might have been exposed to this information in jr. high school, so I'll keep it short and simple. If you were born with a vagina, and you menstruate every month, you're almost certainly at risk of becoming pregnant if you have vaginal intercourse with a male. For various reasons, this isn't the case for some women, but that's relatively uncommon. For the purpose of this page, if your situation is as described in the sentence in italics above, we'll call you a Pregnancy at Risk Female (PARF).


When you become pregnant, the baby growing within you is, without any question in the world, your child. That is to say, from the earliest stages of pregnancy, the child is chock-full of DNA that identifies him as a human being, and as your son or daughter. The child's DNA also identifies the father.

If you are able to look at the two photos above, and don't recognize them as images of human beings, there's something that you should know - your brain is far more scrambled than mine. It is not functioning properly, and you are a danger to yourself and others. Perhaps you are very ill, or under the influence of powerful psychotic drugs. Seek help.

If you look at the photos and think, "Yes, it looks like a human being but it's not a human being in the same sense that I'm a human being."; it's clearly different than me. Go to bed tonight knowing that you're thinking just like a Nazi who reported his neighbor for harboring Jews in his attic. Also know that you are lying to yourself.  

My daughter-in-law recently gave birth to our first grandchild. We saw many images of the baby before her birth. At early stages in the pregnancy, all persons interested in this pregnancy identified, or claimed to have identified, characteristics of the baby that linked her to other family members - the nose of the mother or father, the chin of a grandparent, the facial expression of an aunt, etc. That's because we know that we're looking a human child, and we know that child has a common heritage with us. 


If you are a PARF (see above), and you don't want to become pregnant, here's some great news! Pregnancy is 100% preventable. Here's how:

Do not have vaginal intercourse with a male. If you're not sure what vaginal intercourse means, ask someone. If you do not have vaginal intercourse with a male, you can have full and complete assurance that you will not become pregnant. In the history of mankind, only one woman has become pregnant without having vaginal intercourse with a man. This happened about 2,000 years ago and there were special circumstances that do not apply to you.

If you are unable to restrain from vaginal intercourse with a male, pregnancy is still 100% preventable with a little help from a physician!

Request a prescription for birth control pills. Note that "birth control pill" is a bit of a misnomer because you can only give birth after becoming pregnant. A better term for this pill is "pregnancy prevention pill". This is a pill that you take every day that will keep you from becoming pregnant, no matter how much vaginal intercourse you have.  

Other Prescription options. There are all kinds of other options available to you via a physician that will prevent pregnancy with near 100% certainty. These include injections and devices.

Important note. Most of these options require the tiniest bit of involvement from you to be effective. A pill cannot work unless you take it. A medical device cannot work unless properly inserted. Note that all kinds of things can go wrong in this world if you are drunk or high.


If you are unable to restrain from vaginal intercourse with a male, and unable to see a physician, pregnancy is still 100% preventable!Insist that your male vaginal intercourse partner use a condom. Condoms are available in many places for free, or at very low cost without a prescription, and without having to show an ID. They are available at every drug store in the United States at prices that even the homeless can probably afford. If you don't want to go to the drug store, they're often available at gas stations - in vending machines that accept coins. If you ask around, you can probably find other locations that will provide condoms to you for free.   

Important note. Like many things in this world, condoms require the tiniest bit of participation from you to be effective. They must be installed correctly. It's hardly difficult, but you can still mess it up. Take 2 minutes to understand how to use it.

FOR IDIOTS. What if I'm high, drunk, or just too lazy, to do any of this?

Understand this. Pregnancy is an incredibly serious condition that will dramatically change a woman's life in many, many, serious ways. Your body will grow, and people will notice. Your clothes won't fit. Your sleep habits will change. These changes last for about 9 months, the end of which involves either the very painful emergence of another human being from within your own body, or the surgical removal of that human being from your body. Preventing pregnancy is critical and easily accomplished. It should be a top priority for you.

For more on this, you might want to check an interview I did.


Let's start with rape. After searching the internet for statistics, I've come to the conclusion that it's very difficult to determine how many women become pregnant from rape for many reasons. The CDC uses the term "Rape Related Pregnancy" (RRP) and provides statistics of women who have been victims of RRP - almost 3 million in the U.S. in their lifetimes.  As this figure is based on the lifetime of women, it includes very elderly women who were victims of RRP decades ago - in the 40's, 50's, and 60's. I think it is fair, and reasonable, to conclude this - RRP happens, but if RRP victims had abortions it would represent only a tiny portion of abortions in the US. The 3 million figure, which includes many pre-1973 victims, compared to 73 million abortions in the U.S. since 1973. It's not something to be ignored, but let's keep it in perspective when discussing abortion. It's probably far less than 2%.

As for incest, I'm not sure what to do with that. If you become pregnant by willingly having sex with your cousin, or your uncle, that's entirely on you and you are an idiot several times over. If you became pregnant because you were raped by your father, your uncle, or your cousin, that's a serious crime and they should be in prison.  

In summary, I can accept that women who are truly pregnant from rape represent exceptions to the rule of abortion on demand. Accommodations for them should be available.   


To young women marching in the streets with "My body, My choice" signs. Are you kidding me!?!?! Without shame, you are demanding the right to kill your very own child, at government expense if possible. Your demand suggests that, somehow, you are a victim - a victim of a pregnancy that was entirely within your control to prevent. Out of ignorance, laziness, stupidity, or insobriety, you failed to prevent this pregnancy. Your solution to remedy this failure is to have a "doctor" drive a needle into your child's head within your womb to inject him with medications to end his life. Followed by snipping him into pieces with scissors and incinerating him in an oven. Additionally, you want to accuse me of wrongdoing for calling you out.



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